Mr. Ang Phurba Sherpa the Managing Director of Salaka Farm had worked in the agriculture

sector for 8 years in Isreal. Later on, he came back to Nepal and started his own family business in the year 2014. He believes in teamwork and wants to set examples that family bonds can flourish and grow stronger if worked together. As the Managing Director of the Company, he is involved in the business, management, and operations of the Company. In 2016 he was awarded an Outstanding Farmer Honor. He personally gets events and training organized for his employees, participates, and enjoys all sorts of corporate and family events. He always keeps guiding and motivating them to always achieve the best in their lives.
Some of the following are the appreciation awards received by the owner for his excellent dedication and enthusiasm toward giving back to the community. His participation in the development of the community's future, support and motivation, and belief in youth for the betterment of society are extraordinary.
1. Ragolska & Sons LTD's recommendation letter (25 November 2013)
This is the letter of appreciation given by Isreal's Company Ragolska & Sons LTD for his seven years of sincere service to the company.

In the letter, the company has highly spoken about the hard work and the honesty sir had put into his work. He had all the qualities needed in a leader. How to be a humble, and understanding leader, and how to lead his employee toward success. He was a very trusted, responsible employee whom everybody loved and appreciated.
2. Embassy of Nepal (26 November 2013)
This is the certificate that Sir received from the Embassy

of Nepal in Isreal which states that Sir had worked as an Agricultural Professional for 7 years which makes him certified that he is exposed to valuable modern agricultural practices and appliances which are used in Isreal. This makes Sir a qualified person to handle agricultural technologies used in Isreal at that time.
3. Pashu Sewa Bibhag (April 2015)
This is the letter of appreciation received by Sir

for his unique and innovative methods for LiveStock farming given by the Pashu Sewa Bibhag,
This certifies that the methods used by the dairy are innovative and fruitful to both animals and farmers
4. Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training(15 March 2022)

This certification is received as the completion of the LiveStock Production/Animal Health Diploma.
5. Rasthiya Utristha Krisak Bybasahi Samman (23 April 2022)
Recently, Sir had also received Samman for his incredible journey

of 9 years as a successful businessman, a farmer, and an influencer to many youths. His contribution is recommendable and his journey to revolutionize the agricultural industry is quite appreciatable.